Nairobi, Kenya

East Africa Time (EAT) UTC+3

Time in Nairobi Kenya

body of water near green trees during night time

10 Facts about Nairobi, Kenya.

1. Capital City: Nairobi serves as the capital and largest city of Kenya. It is the economic, political, and cultural hub of the country, located in the south-central region of Kenya.

2. The Green City in the Sun: Nairobi is often referred to as the "Green City in the Sun" due to its lush greenery, pleasant climate, and abundant sunshine throughout the year.

3. Nairobi National Park: Despite being a bustling metropolis, Nairobi is unique in having a national park within its city limits. Nairobi National Park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including lions, giraffes, zebras, and rhinos, offering residents and visitors a chance to experience safari adventures without leaving the city.

4. Karura Forest: Another natural gem in Nairobi is Karura Forest, one of the largest urban forests in the world. It provides a peaceful retreat for outdoor activities such as walking, jogging, and birdwatching, as well as being a vital green lung for the city.

5. UN Headquarters: Nairobi is home to the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON), one of the four major UN office sites worldwide. It serves as the UN's headquarters in Africa and hosts various UN agencies and programs.

6. Maasai Market: Nairobi's Maasai Market is a vibrant open-air market where visitors can shop for traditional Kenyan handicrafts, jewelry, clothing, and artwork. It's a colorful showcase of Maasai culture and craftsmanship.

7. Nairobi National Museum: The Nairobi National Museum showcases Kenya's rich cultural and natural heritage through its diverse exhibits, including archaeological artifacts, ethnographic collections, and exhibitions on Kenya's flora and fauna.

8. Tech Hub: Nairobi has emerged as a leading technology hub in Africa, earning the nickname "Silicon Savannah." The city is home to numerous tech startups, innovation hubs, and incubators, driving entrepreneurship and digital innovation across the continent.

9. Matatu Culture: Matatus are colorful minibusses that serve as Nairobi's primary mode of public transportation. Adorned with vibrant graffiti artwork and booming music, matatus are an integral part of Nairobi's urban culture and transportation system.

10. Diverse Population: Nairobi is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and ethnicities, with people from various Kenyan tribes as well as expatriates from around the world calling the city home. This diversity contributes to Nairobi's cosmopolitan vibe and vibrant social scene.